Monday, December 20, 2004

NEWS: Bush still sucks

"Bush is the first incumbent president to have an approval rating below 50 percent one month after winning re-election."

The above quote came from a poll that CNN conducted over this last weekend So I must ask: People, why did you vote for him?

Do you actually think the Iraq war is a good thing? Do you like that the rich benefit? That are economy is tumbling down? That the whole world (yes the whole fuckin world) hates us? That the politics of fear, manipulation, and greed have prevailed? Or did you vote for Bush because a sudden moral fervor washed over you as you entered the booth and you thought you should vote with your conscience and not your lifestyle?

Putting President Bush in office again is like disregarding the report Condi Rice showed to Bush in August reading: "Al-Qaida determined to strike inside the US." The failure of Americans to see the harm that this man's policies have on our country is the exact same "failure of imagination" that our government had about the threat of Al-Qaida. All people see is that we are involved in a war in Iraq, which is somehow tied to the war on terror, so Bush is a man of action - which they like. It doesn't seem to concern Americans that this was the WRONG action and will have disastrous results for us for many more years to come. Do we really want to "go it alone" in everything we do? The fact is, we CAN'T anymore. We don't have the stature, the resources, or respect anymore. The next four years absolutely cannot mirror the last four years. So the question is then: can Bush change? I just hope Americans don't need to see another Sept 11 before they press the president to implement productive and positive policies.

The Bush administration does whatever it wants to, plans a unified message, and sticks to that even if facts prove them wrong. I'm always amazed to read things like "Fifty-two percent of respondents to a new poll think Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should resign amid recent criticism in Congress over his handling of the war in Iraq...Despite the criticism, President Bush strongly came out in support of his Pentagon chief during a news conference Monday" (from same article as above). Its like “Hey Mr. President, the sky is blue” “No its not! It’s orange! And what a brilliant color of orange it is!”

The administration is simply out of touch with reality. But what pisses me off is: why couldn’t people remember how bad the last four years were when they went to vote? Furthermore, why couldn’t people envision how bad the next four years will be if we continue the same policies? Just because Bush has a great campaigning strategy - I will give him that (or I should say Mr. Rove) - is that a good reason to elect him to office? The truth is, anyone would be better in office. People are just realizing it now, a month later. "I told you so" just doesn't seem to cut it though.


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