Friday, December 03, 2004

It's Better the Second Time

Oh thank God. We beat the University of Spoiled Children again. Honestly, the feeling is unbelievable. Beating someone that you hate - who truly deserves getting the shit beaten out of them - is one of the most redeeming feelings I can think of. Being on the winning side, in general, can almost always put a smile on my face. But when the other side is exceptionally despicable and callous, not to mention disgusting and classless...well, you get the idea. I hate them. And I love beating them.

I would say in general that I do most things out of love. I picked my subject area for my career out of love. I pick my girls out of love. I play hockey because I love it. I do the things I do because I love doing them, for one reason or another. But out of these loves you notice that there is a cancer that can inhibit the normal bliss you experience when practicing your love. And this cancer corrupts, eats up and potentially destroys that which you so much love. The fight you must take against this cancer is driven by hate, but ultimately it's for the preservation of the thing you love.

U$C, at times, has made me hate hockey. And I don't mind losing. If you question that, look at the last four years I played hockey and notice that I always stuck with the program despite a club record (I think) of a worst 4 year streak. This is the reason for my rant. Because I can tell you for a fact that no victory I have ever achieved against anyone or anything has ever been as sweet as against an opposition that I hate. And if you haven't figured it out by now, I hate $C a whole fuckload. And victory, my friend, is very sweet.


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