Tuesday, November 23, 2004

You say "Blue," but all I see is Red

Can someone please tell me why there is at least one article a day from common news outlets describing how the majority of Americans disagree with Bush's policies or that liberal culture is prevalent? (http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/23/national/23poll.html?hp&ex=1101272400&en=3ea63a4e6a76d17d&ei=5094&partner=homepage) It's like journalists are determined to give the disenfranchised losers from the last election something good to read amongst all the devastating news such as cabinet appointments and an even more conservative policy direction of a second Bush administration. But who are they fooling? Just because I like to read news that reinforces my ideological perspective or preference doesn't mean it's newsworthy or even true for that matter. I mean, how much can we really trust polls anymore? I say the only "pole" you should trust is the rusty, hollow 1 inch lead pipe you can use to beat someone's head in when they tell you ridiculous things like 'metro' will prevail over 'retro,' or that the liberal culture is dominant, or that the majority of Americans disagree with Bush. 59,054,087 agree with him. Even if they are watching 'desperate housewives,' or are 'unsure' about the situation in Iraq (seriously, how much time do they really need to form an opinion about it?), they are somehow convinced that having every branch of government led by irrational-faith-based policies is actually a good thing. So Democrats and liberals just better grab the lube because the Republicans and conservatives aren't going to spoil a minute of the next four years to completely assault everything that we've thought was a God-given right. No, the liberals are in the minority and liberal policy won’t rear its ugly head for a long time. I just hope the next four years of ass-raping isn’t going to hurt us beyond salvation.


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