Sunday, December 12, 2004

Don't Bogart That Joint!

Although its not 4:20 right now, I want to talk about drugs. I'm talking about everything - alcohol, weed, cigarettes, you name it.

Aside from all the wonderful stuff that drugs can do to your body, they also seem to have an amazing affect in bringing people together or driving them apart. They can even do both between the same people.

Most people try drugs because other people introduce them to it. However, for them to continue regularly, they will naturally create drug using buddies either with their supplier or with other habitual users. This much should be clear.

Cigarette smokers will likely meet more smokers due to their visibility in close proximity and the inevitability of asking the other smoker for a cigarette or a light when one is needed. Drinkers go out drinking with other drinkers and people who toke always find more people to toke with.

But the really interesting thing I found is the type of bond that is created among users, especially among the mind-altering drugs users. There is usually intense conversation (unless a person is completely pissed) and the repetitive gathering creates something special and completely unique on its own. A certain trust is created; probably from the expectancy that the other is likely to relate to their urge soon and they will form a connection with that someone for at least a period of time. People don’t like being alone and they are usually drawn to drugs because they are bored. They know that they always can be social with the other users during the time they’re using. It’s relieving, and it generates confidence.

But they can be just as divisive when they’re between a user and a non–user; repelling each other in the opposite direction. However, I don’t want to talk about this because it’s usually an ugly business that you can imagine anyway.

The fascinating thing is the bond between the users. I met my girlfriend that way. I met my best friends in college that way. I’m closest with my grandmother out of my whole family in part because we both drink wine and vodka together and we talk when we do. Whenever I smoke with my friends it’s the same deal. I guess non-drug users can use all the same arguments for their relationships. But when do they know when to instigate their “session,” where they talk about intense issues? Two edgy people can hardly talk to each other about anything sensibly without breaking out into some kind of fight or becoming angry. Stress under stressful conditions always compounds, not decreases. I dunno, maybe not. I’m not one of those edgy people, I just see them and I see it happen.

I think there is a reason why the Indians had a peace pipe. Drugs chill people out. Not that I’d ever tell someone to start using something they haven’t already tried, I’m not an advocate for these sorts of things because some people simply can’t handle them. But when used correctly, I believe they can have a positive effect on an individual’s life. There, I said it. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.


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