Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Voracious March of Godliness

It really bothers me that most people who call themselves "religious" actually rarely exemplify true characteristics of a religious individual. Instead of being generous, compassionate, or tolerant, as their religions claim they should be, I usually only see them as pretentious, exclusionary, greedy, and judgmental. Do they forget the sermons as soon as they leave their church? Are the religious vows only supposed to be an “ideal,” kind of like communism – looks good on paper but doesn’t work in reality? All the religions say not to force religion onto others. One can be informed of religion, but never forced. So why am I constantly seeing the new moral majority of America trying to hijack America’s policies by imposing their religious dogma on the rest of the nation? No stem-cell research. No abortion. Reinstate prayer in schools. Increase the division between the wealthy and the poor. Reinstate racist policies. The biggest problem with all of this isn’t even the fact that these douche bags make my life (and everyone else’s who doesn’t conform to their religion) worse, but that they are corrupting the solidarity, compassion and selflessness that religion used to stand for. So the next time some bible-thumpin evangelist tells me they are trying to do God’s will, I feel like snippin’ of me plums and hangin up me Chomsky Reader! Ha! Ha..ha…ha….ha…..ha…….ha………….sigh.


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