Friday, September 02, 2005

An Update

Since the room looks better now compared to the first pictures, I thought I should provide an updated photo. Provide more incentive for anyone thinking about coming here to visit ;)

I’ve started one of my classes and the other one doesn’t start until next Monday. The one I’ve started is called Contemporary Islamic Activist Intellectuals so it focuses on the reformers within Islam who are trying to bridge the gap between the faith and modern civilization. It’s all very interesting to me, so I don’t mind the ton of reading and writing I have to do. But it gives me little time for leisure writing. Unfortunately, when the mind is being trained to focus on the intricacies of a particular subject, there is less influence and incentive towards creative writing, which I had grown to love very much recently. Maybe I’ll post some of my writing from my classes if it’s not too dry and something that everyone can appreciate. I dunno, we’ll see.
The one drawback to this whole move to DC is that my social life has plummeted. I am feeling a good amount of loneliness. I know I’ve only been here about two weeks and that I’ll meet people in time – and I already have two very good friends here – but right now is a little rough. I guess the essential thing is to trust. Even through long periods of time when dreams may appear to be deferred, delayed, and overshadowed, there must be trust that there will come a time when an unwavering will, a strong belief, and endless prayers will be realized. To that I toast.


Blogger Kyle Wood said...

Definitely a big improvement. It looks very nice actually. Good luck with all those classes with super long names!!

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The place looks beautiful!! Don't worry, things WILL get better. Much love, talk to you soon

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Svidraigalov. Solitude is sometimes the only means in which to cleanse to soul. It's more healthy sometimes than any kind of companionship. Just keep the trust, the hope, the dreams or whatever you'd like to call them paramount, and that should indeed overshadow the human emotion.
I'm looking forward to reading some of what you're studying. You've definately got a knack for writing, you won't lose it even if you take a break from it for awhile.

12:38 PM  
Blogger -R said...

Thanks for all the compliments. It's been crazy getting settled in here. But it's really turning into a place that I enjoy being in and not just some transitory halfway house. It's looking and feeling more and more like something I can call a "home" (anyone who knows me knows how significant this is).

But Raskolnikov, you are so right in your understanding and explanation of solitude. Perhaps I focused too much on its negative aspects whereas I haven't even mentioned how it can be beneficial. It has been cleansing, and perhaps is the only way I could truly cleanse myself. With almost no distractions to wisp my attention, I have become more focused on the direction that my life is heading in. It is granted me honest reflection, and has opened my eyes. I have learned more about myself in these last two weeks than in all of last year working in the busy hustle of Los Angeles. In the company of others, you learn about others. When you are alone, you learn about yourself.

I miss you my friend, and I miss our discussions. Do keep in touch.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I see that couch. Is that where I'll be crashing when I come visit? hehe!!!

8:43 AM  

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