Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Always wanted to try this...

Well, I'm finally going to begin blogging. It's funny, I remember two years ago in my Political Communications class (poly sci 160 - ucla) a blogger came in to speak to us about the relevance and importance of blogging. The whole class (including myself) proceeded to eat this man alive (not literally) informing him of the dangers of unsubstantiated, illegitimate, and possibly harmful information allowed to be spread by practically anyone while possibly being seized by unsuspecting passer-bys who continue to spread the learned misinformation.

I should clarify that I am refering to POLITICAL blogging, and not the stuff about taking poopsy to the groomers or complaing about a cell phone bill. Why people would ever want to share useless and sterile information like that is completely beyond me, although I hope it fills that empty void in their soul that whispers to them at night that NO ONE REALLY CARES ABOUT YOUR DAILY ITINERARY.

Sorry bout that, got a little carried away there. As you can tell I'm new to this. But my point in all of this is that I think blogging can be useful if its informative and has some other value beyond simply learning about the blogger. My government teacher from High School, Mr. Bingham, once told us "average people talk about people, and smart people talk about history, but intelligent people talk about ideas."

Lets kick some ideas.


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