Thursday, November 11, 2004

Moral Values

The first article I read this morning was actually kind of a booster (since when does news uplift your spirits? especially these days). It explained that even though the politics of red states are going to dominate that of Washington, the culture of the blue states is still very much in the majority and the politicians and private executives very much pander to blue people. They just needed the votes from the red states but financially, the blue culture is what fuels them. Taking Rupert Murdoch, for instance, the father of Fox News, will show you that even though his political agenda is very much right wing and republican, the Fox channel's main perogative is entertaining the blueies by showcasing Paris Hilton, Jenna Jameson, and wife-swapping. There is no question that the decadence and immorality that conservatives claimed was the main reason they got out to vote for Bush was because it is so prevailent in our social lives. The politicians simply capitalized on this.

But here is the silver-lining on the cloud of marijuana smoke that hangs over the blue states: now that the election is over, the politicians will go back to real issues where Republicans are deeply divided with one another over gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, and the Iraqi war.

I predict that these next four years will divide the Republican party in two with those religious conservatives on one side and the progressive and secular conservatives on the other. I think its also time for another Ross Perot (the right's version of the Nader factor) in 2008.

This is why the blues must stick together and stand fast to their agenda. They have a majority, its just that their policies wan't politically popular this year.

Anyway, here's the link to the article:


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